Hilton Ciprus - Kantara Hall


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November 17 2008 09:30

Panel 3 - Xenophobia and Philoxenia: Welcoming the Strangers


Heinrich Mussinghoff

Catholic Bishop, Germany


Edward Fenech-Adami

Presidente della Repubblica di Malta

Shear-Yashuv Cohen

Emeritus Chief Rabbi of Haifa, Israel

John J. DeGioia

President of the Georgetown University, USA

Hassan Hanafi

Università del Cairo, Egitto

Daniela Pompei

Community of Sant’Egidio, Italy

Theodore Edgar Mc Carrick

Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington, USA

November 17 2008 16:30

Panel 10 - Human Rights: 60 Years after the Declaration


Mario Marazziti

Community of Sant’Egidio, Italy


Filip Vujanovic

President of the Republic of Montenegro

Marios Garoyian

Presidente del Parlamento di Cipro

William Chapman

Direttore delle Politiche della Tony Blair Faith Fondation

Emma Fattorini

University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy

Mikko Heikka

Lutheran Bishop, Finland

Françoise Rivière

Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO

Cornelio Sommaruga

Former President of the International Red Cross Committee, Switzerland

November 18 2008 09:30

Panel 18 - Ecumenism, Christian Unity and Peace among Nations


Paul Poupard

Cardinal, Holy See


Aram I

Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia


Arcivescovo ortodosso, Patriarcato Ecumenico

Walter Kasper

Cardinal, Holy See

Setriakor K. Nyomi

Segretario Generale dell’Alleanza Riformata Mondiale

Mary Tanner

Co-President of the World Council of Churches, United Kingdom

Theodoros II

Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa